Einar Steen-Nøkleberg
Einar Steen-Nøkleberg is a leading Norwegian pianist, having made continuous international appearances and more than 50 recordings. He studied with Nicolai Dirdal and Hans Leygraf.
Among other prizes and distinctions, some of the most important are the German Hochschulwettbewerb, the Norwegian Piano Competition in 1972, the Norwegian Critics' Prize for Best Performance in 1975 (for the interpretation in Grieg's Piano Concerto at the Bergen Festival), the Norwegian Recording of the Year in 1976 for a recital of Norwegian Baroque Composers, the Lindeman Prize ("Performer of the Year") 1984, the Grieg Prize in 1985 (Bergen) and 1992 (Oslo). He is a Knight of the St. Olav Order, appointed by the King of Norway for his activities for Norwegian music in general.
From 1975 to 1981 Einar Steen-Nøkleberg was Professor of Piano at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Hannover, Germany, an appointment which made him Germany's youngest professor.
Einar Steen-Nøkleberg's international career has included repeated solo recitals in London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Moscow, Mexico City, New York, Hamburg and Copenhagen. He toured the U.S.A. and the former Soviet Union several times. Concerto appearances include the London Symphony Orchestra, the Warsaw Philharmonic, the Copenhagen Royal Chapel, the China Philharmonic, Beijing, the Yumiori Philharmonic Orchestra and the NHK in Tokyo and the Oslo and Bergen Philharmonic Orchestras in Norway. His recording of the Grieg Concerto with the London Symphony Orchestra was chosen by the BBC Saturday Review as the best version of this much-recorded concerto.
His recently released monumental recording of all Grieg's piano music, a 14 CD set, for Naxos Records is recieving international acclaim. He is currently publishing H. Kjerulf piano works (3 CD's) on Simax, and H. Saeverud piano works (5 CD's) on Naxos.
Einar Steen-Nøkleberg has had an extensive teaching career since 1970. First as professor in Hannover, later in Oslo, and again in Hannover since 1994. He gives regular master classes at Mozarteum, Salzburg and in Paris at Institut Cortôt École Normale, as well as courses in Japan, China, USA, Mexico, Brasil, Russia and Scandinavia.
Juror work
Einar Steen-Nøkleberg has judged piano competitions such as Busoni(Bolzano), Monza and Trani in Italy, the Bachauer(Salt Lake City), Cleveland, William Kapell and Palm Beach in the U.S.A, as well as various competitions throughout Europe, including the Schumann Competition in Düsseldorf, Epinal, Bremen, Nyborg and EBU(European Broadcast Union), Lisbon.
"Onstage with Grieg" (A study in interpretation of Griegs piano works)
Reading "Onstage with Grieg" is almost like taking a private lesson with Einar Steen-Nøkleberg, internationally acclaimed recitalist and premier interpreter of Grieg. He offers not only practical advice on the technical executions of these pieces, but great insights into their compositional background. Grieg drew much of his inspiration from Norwegian folk music, casting many piano pieces in the form of traditional dances, using the piano to present the narratives in Norwegian poetry and ancient songs, and imitating the sound of folk instruments. Steen-Nøkleberg details these traits, pointing out Grieg's frequent use of open fifths, pedal points and modal scales.
In addition to treating each of the shorter pieces individually, including the ten collections of Lyric Pieces, the author suggests architectural interpretations on a larger scale for the massive cycles of Op. 66 and 72. He devotes a lengthy chapter to the Piano Concerto in A Minor, which is a must for every Norwegian pianist. With great enthusiasm for his country and its heritage, Steen-Nøkleberg finds reflections of the Norwegian landscape in Grieg's music - the impressive fiords, the deep forests and the special summer light.
"Onstage with Grieg" gives invaluable advice to pianists at all levels of achievement - students, teachers and profesional performers.
Norwegian original on Solum Forlag, Oslo
English Translation on Indiana University Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis
German translation on Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt
Russian translation on Musika (Verzhe-AV Edition), Moscow
Editor and co-editor of Griegs Piano Music on Gustav Henle Verlag, Münich. (Grieg: Sonata, Ballade, Holberg Suite, 17 Peasant Dances Op. 72, Lyric pieces Op. 12, 38, 43, 54 and 65) In preparation: Piano Concerto and Sonata for violin and piano Op 45.
Editor of Norwegian Baroque Music(Wernicke) and Grieg Piano Concerto(faximile) on Universitesforlaget, Olso.
Einar Steen-Nøkleberg is the founder and president of the Norwegian section of the EPTA(European Piano Teachers Association) and the Oslo Grieg Society, the Grieg Memorial Composers Competitions(held annually since 1994) and the Concours Grieg for pianists in Oslo, Norway(held annually since 2000).
埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格(Einar Steen-Nøkleberg)是挪威著名的钢琴家,他不断在国际上大放异彩,并录制了近50多张唱片。他师从尼科莱·迪达尔(Nicolai Dirdal)和汉斯·莱格拉夫(Hans Leygraf)。他曾获得最重要的奖项是德国的“Hochschulwettbewerb”奖, 1972年的挪威钢琴比赛,因其在卑尔根音乐节上对格里格钢琴协奏曲的诠释荣获1975年的挪威评论家最佳表演奖,1984年他获得了林德曼奖之“年度最佳表演者”,1985年获得卑尔根格里格奖以及1992年奥斯陆奖。挪威国王因他在挪威音乐方面的贡献任命他为圣奥拉夫爵士。
从1975年到1981年,埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格是德国汉诺威国家音乐学院的钢琴教授,这使他成为德国最年轻的教授。埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格的国际音乐会生涯跨越伦敦、巴黎、柏林、东京、莫斯科、墨西哥城、纽约、汉堡和哥本哈根等城市。他还多次访问美国和前苏联。他曾和伦敦交响乐团、华沙爱乐乐团、哥本哈根皇家教堂乐团、北京中国爱乐乐团、东京由美子爱乐乐团和NHK交响乐团,以及挪威奥斯陆和卑尔根爱乐乐团等合作过钢琴协奏曲。他与伦敦交响乐团录制的格里格协奏曲被“BBC周六评论”认为是这首录制过很多次的协奏曲的最佳版本。他在纳克索斯唱片公司最近发行的格里格钢琴音乐全套纪念版专辑,一套共14 张均受到国际赞誉。他目前出版了哈夫丹(H. Kjerulf)的钢琴作品(3CD)和塞维鲁德(H. Saeverud)的钢琴作品(5CD)。
自1970年以来,埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格拥有广泛的教学生涯。先是在汉诺威音乐学院任教,后来在奥斯陆音乐学院,1994年又在汉诺威音乐学院当教授。他定期在莫扎特、萨尔茨堡和巴黎的科尔托师范学校开设大师班,并在日本、中国、美国、墨西哥、巴西、俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚半岛开设课程。
埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格曾在意大布索尼音乐节、蒙扎音乐节和特拉尼音乐节、 盐湖城巴考尔音乐节,克利夫兰, 威廉卡佩尔音乐节和美国棕榈滩音乐节,以及欧洲各地各大比赛中担任评委,包括杜塞尔多夫,埃皮,不莱梅,尼伯格和欧洲广播联盟,里斯本等音乐节。
格里格从挪威民间音乐中汲取了很多灵感,以传统舞蹈为灵感锻造了许多钢琴作品,用钢琴来表现挪威诗歌和古代歌曲中的叙事,并模仿民间乐器的声音。埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格详细描述了这些特征,指出格里格经常使用开五度,踏板点和调式音阶进行创作和演奏。除了单独处理较短的作品,包括十集的抒情作品,作者建议在更大篇幅性对Op.66和Op.72的巨大进行建筑诠释。诺克莱贝格为《小调钢琴协奏曲》写了很长的一篇文章,这是每个挪威钢琴家都必须要掌握的。诺克莱贝格对他的国家和传统有着极大的热情,他在格里格的音乐中发现了挪威风景的倩影:令人印象深刻的峡湾,深邃的森林和特别的夏日光线。
埃纳尔· 斯坦恩-诺克莱贝格是欧洲钢琴教师协会(EPTA)挪威分会的组织者,以及和奥斯陆格里格协会、自1994年以来每年举办的格里格纪念作曲家比赛和自2000年以来每年举办的挪威奥斯陆格里格钢琴演奏会的创始人和主席。