Rong-Huey Liu, Oboe
Teaching Sessions : Jul. 18 ~ Sep. 25
Teaching Languages: English, Chinese (Mandarin)
USA• Los Angeles
Oboe professor at California State University Fullerton • La Sierra University • Riverside City College
Principal Oboist of Long Beach Symphony, Los Angeles Ballet Orchestra, Fresno Philharmonic,
Reno Chamber Orchestra and Riverside County Philharmonic
Hailed as “a phenomenal, expressive oboist with a velvety chocolate sound”, Taiwanese American, Dr. Rong-Huey Liu is one of Southern California’s most active oboists. She holds principal positions in the Long Beach Symphony, Los Angeles Ballet, Reno Chamber Orchestra, Fresno Philharmonic, and Riverside County Philharmonic.
Dr. Liu is in high demand as a multi-faceted soloist. In July 2020, she was invited to present a solo recital at the First International Double Reed Society Virtual Conference. She has performed the oboe concertos of Bach, Corigliano, Daugherty, Ferrer Ferran, Handel, Kalliwoda, Lebrun, Marcello, Mozart, Walter Saul, and Óscar Navarro. Her recording on Saul’s "Kiev 2014: Rhapsody for Oboe and Orchestra" with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine on Naxos has garnered critical acclaim for "sublime playing and crisp performance, technically adept but filled with quiet perseverance and passion." In a last- minute step-in concerto appearance with the Reno Chamber Orchestra, Dr. Liu was praised by critics for her “obvious confidence and captivating performance". Her Lebrun Oboe Concerto performance with Long Beach Symphony earned review of “radiant tone easily filled the cavernous Terrace Theater, and she played with consummate grace and musicality. She put on an awesome technical display in the Finale, and played with assurance as Lebrun took the instrument way up high and way down low. And in the second movement, a lovely little song that is just cute as a bug’s ear, she was downright charming."
A versatile chamber/recital artist, Dr. Liu has been invited to perform at Sundays’ Live, Grand Performance, Ojai Summer Music Festival, Bruman Chamber Music Summer Festival, Nevada Chamber Music Festival, Southwest Music Festival/International New Music Festival, and Classics at The Merc; and as faculty/performance artist at Cactus Pear Music Festival, Chamber Music Unbound, Fresno Opera and Orchestra Summer Academy, International Chamber Orchestra of Puerto Rico, and Northeastern Pennsylvania Chamber Music Society. San Antonio critics wrote her performance of Mozart Quartet in the Cactus Pear Music Festival with "sweetness shaped by a sense of crisp articulation" and Daugherty’s “Firecracker” with "razzle dazzle piece...the audience was thrilled".
As a Hollywood recording studio musician, Dr. Liu has collaborated with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Carrie Underwood, Josh Groban, Chris Botti, David Benoit, Ron Isley, Seth MacFarlane, Andrea Bocelli, Spinal Tap, The Who, and Weird Al. Her cinema credits include “Star War VIII”, “Lady Bird”, “Ferdinand”, “The Orville”, to name a few.
Dr. Liu has won first place in the Taichung Regional Oboe Competition, the Taiwan National Oboe Competition, and the Harvard Musical Association, as well as performance awards from the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra, Taiwanese College Music Competition, Boston Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, and Spotlight Awards from the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association.
Dr. Rong-Huey Liu holds Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from the Manhattan School of Music, and Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California (with an award from Phi Beta Kappa and a membership in Pi Kappa Lambda).
She is the oboe professor at California State University Fullerton School of Music, La Sierra University and Riverside City College.
台灣出生, 美國留學的雙簧管家, 劉蓉慧博士, 被譽為是ㄧ位『具有如天鵝絨,柔和的音色, 非凡的雙簧管家』。劉博士是美國南加州最活躍的雙簧管家之一, 目前是長灘交響樂團 (Long Beach Symphony)、洛杉磯芭蕾舞團 (Los Angeles Ballet) 、里諾室內樂團 (Reno Chamber Orchestra)、弗雷斯諾愛樂樂團 (Fresno Philharmonic)、和河濱縣愛樂樂團 (Riverside County Philharmonic) 的雙簧管首席。
劉博士是個高需求,多面的藝術家。在 2020 年 7 月, 受國際雙簧協會邀請, 在第一屆國際雙簧協會虛擬會議上, 作一場獨奏音樂會。當為ㄧ位協奏曲家, 她曾演奏過巴哈 (Bach) 、科里利亞諾 (Corigliano) 、多爾蒂(Daugherty)、費雷爾·費倫 (Ferrer Ferran) 、韓德爾 (Handel) 、卡利沃達 (Kalliwoda) 、勒布朗 (Lebrun) 、馬塞洛 (Marcello) 、莫扎特 (Mozart) 、沃爾特·索爾 (Walter Saul) 、和奧斯卡·納瓦羅 (Óscar Navarro) 的雙簧管協奏曲。她與烏克蘭國家交響樂團 (National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine) 錄製作曲家沃爾特·索爾 (Walter Saul) 的『基輔 2014:雙簧管和交響樂狂想曲』“Kiev 2014: Rhapsody for Oboe and Orchestra" 贏得音樂評論家讚譽「出色的演奏和表現, 技術嫻熟, 充滿了沉著的毅力和熱情」。曾在里諾室內樂團演奏會的前一天, 獨奏家沒出現,在最後一刻, 劉博士代替獨奏家,與樂團演奏莫扎特 (Mozart)協奏曲,受到評論家的稱讚她「明顯的自信和迷人的表演」。她在長灘交響樂團的勒布朗 (Lebrun) 協奏曲演出, 獲得了評價「她的雙簧管演奏, 光芒四射的音調輕鬆的填滿了巨大的演奏廳, 演奏出完美的風格和音樂性。最後一個樂章, 表現出令人驚人的技術展示, 肯定的發揮勒布朗 (Lebrun) 將此樂器 從最高音到最低音調高寫作。第二樂章,一首迷人的小曲, 她演奏的魅力十足」。
劉博士受邀在以下各個室內樂音樂節演出:洛杉磯廣播電台“週日直播” (Sunday’s Live) 、盛大演出音樂節 (Grand Performance) 、奧海夏季音樂節 (Ojai Summer Music Festival) 、布魯曼室內樂夏季節 (Bruman Chamber Music Summer Festival) 、內華達室內音樂節 (Nevada Chamber Music Festival) 、西南音樂節/國際新音樂節 (Southwest Music Festival/International New Music Festival,) 、古典音樂 (Classic at Merc)。她也在以下的室內樂音樂節裡擔任教師及演奏家:仙人掌梨音樂節 (Cactus Pear Music Festival) 、室內樂無界 (Chamber Music Unbound) 、弗雷斯諾歌劇院和管弦樂隊夏季學院 (Fresno Opera and Orchestra Summer Academy) 、波多黎各國際室內樂樂團 (International Chamber Orchestra of Puerto Rico) 、和賓夕法尼亞州東北室內樂協會 (Northeastern Pennsylvania Chamber Music Society) 。聖安東尼奧樂評讚譽劉博士在仙人掌梨音樂節上的莫扎特四重奏表現「如有甜美的感覺,清晰的音色」, 與道爾蒂的“爆竹” 作品「耀眼的技巧,......讓觀眾很激動」。
作為好萊塢錄音室音樂家,劉博士曾與詹妮弗·洛佩茲 (Jennifer Lopez)、凱莉·安德伍德 (Carrie Underwood)、喬什·格羅班 (Josh Groban)、克里斯·波提 (Chris Botti)、大衛·貝努瓦 (David Benoit) 羅恩·艾利 (Ron Isley)、塞斯·麥克法蘭 (Seth MacFarlane)、安德里亞·波切利 (Andrea Bocelli) 等名人合作。她的錄音電影作品包括《星際大戰第八集》、《淑女鳥》、《費迪南德》、《奧維爾》等等。
劉博士曾獲得台灣國家雙簧管比賽第一名,哈佛音樂協會(Harvard Music Association) 的冠軍。通過甄選,受國立臺灣交響樂團邀請,在台中舉辦演奏會。通過比賽, 獲得台灣大學音樂比賽獎學金, 波士頓中國表演藝術基金會的表演獎, 以及洛杉磯愛樂樂團的 Spotlight 獎學金。
劉蓉慧博士擁有曼哈頓音樂學院的音樂學士和碩士, 以及南加州大學的音樂博士(獲得 Phi Beta Kappa 的獎項和 Pi Kappa Lambda 的會員資格)。劉博士是加州州立大學富勒頓音樂學院 (California State University Fullerton)、拉塞拉大學 (La Sierra University) 、和河濱市社區大學 (Riverside City College) 的雙簧管教授。