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Archiv Klar / Reto Klar 

Haiou Zhang, Piano

Teaching Session : Jul. 28 ~ Aug. 06

Only in his young age, Haiou Zhang has received wide recognition by critics and audiences in Europe, North and South America and the Far East.

His CD albums under the noble label hänssler CLASSIC are present on the market worldwide. Lufthansa have selected it in the official board music programs. Reviews have been raves throughout Europe, the United States, Canada and South America. Haiou Zhang's new Mozart piano concerto CD II with NDR Philharmonic String Players is nominated in the both categories ''Instrumentalist of the year'' and ''Concerto recording of the year'' by German Music Award OPUS KLASSIK. "I find Zhang graceful and sensitive in the introspective slow movements, so emotionally affecting, and suitably brisk and vivacious in the Finales." - Musicweb International observed.

In the last three seasons, Haiou Zhang performed over 30 recitals throughout major concert halls in his home country China for more than 40000 classical music lovers. A renewed concert tour in 2019 with Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra under the Israeli conductor Yeruham Sharovsky received enthusiastic acclaims for his unique interpretation of Tchaikovsky piano concerto No.1.

For the upcoming concert season 2020/21, Haiou Zhang will bring his magic touch on Mozart's Piano Concerto No.21 K.467 at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg with the NDR Radiophilharmonie under the baton of Joshua Weilerstein. Other orchestral subscription Highlights include Liszt's Totentanz with the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra under Kahchun Wong, Brahms Piano Concerto No.1 with the Bremerhaven Philharmonic Orchestra under Marc Niemann, Beethoven Piano Concerto No.4 with the Braunschweig Staatsorchester under Srba Dinić, Beethoven Piano Concerto No.2 with the Trier Philharmonic Orchestra under Renchang Fu, Mozart Piano Concerto No.9 K.271 with the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra under Robertas Šervenikas, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.3 with the Siberian Symphony Orchestra under Dmitry Vasiliev and Ukraine National Radio Symphony Orchestra under Dmitry Logvin, Mendelssohn Piano Concerto No.2 with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra under Amos Talmon, Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 with the Voronezh State Academic Symphony Orchestra under Vladimir Verbitsky and Mozart piano concerto No.12 K.414 with the Vorpommern Philharmonic Orchestra under Florian Csizmadia as well the Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina under Giuseppe Lanzetta in Florence. Besides, piano recitals will bring him back to Konzerthaus Berlin, Brucknerhaus Linz and starting intense chamber music collaborations on prime Radio concert series with Hába Quartet of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and the WDR Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players. ‍

In the season 2018/2019 he performed Tchaikovsky piano concerto No.1 with the Russian National Philharmonic under Vladimir Spivakov in their Europa Tour, Beethoven piano concerto No.5 and Mozart piano concerto No.20 K.466 with the NDR Radiophilharmonie under Andrew Manze, Rachmaninoff piano concerto No.3 with the Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra under Vakhtang Kakhidze and Mozart piano concerti circles with the Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin, Estonian Sinfonietta, musica assoluta, National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia. Exciting concert debuts brought him to the Philharmonie Berlin, Philharmonie Essen and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.

Haiou Zhang conquered thousands of concert goers on a Canadian Tour with the Slovak Sinfonietta under Kerry Stratton performing Beethoven piano concerti and Mozart piano concerto No.21 K.467 with the Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra under Thomas Fey in Brazil in 2010. Standing ovations accompanied him at every single concert. Engagements as a soloist have included with the Russian Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra St. Petersburg under Juri Gilbo, Orchestra Filharmonica della Calabria under Filippo Arlia, Ontario Philharmonic under Marco Parisotto and German orchestras such as the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, Bochum Symphony Orchestra, Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra, Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn and the Polish Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Sopot, the Czech Hradec Králové Philharmonic, the National Philharmonic of Ukraine and orchestras in China such as the Beijing Symphony Orchestra under Lihua Tan, Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra under James P. Liu, Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra under Renchang Fu, Changsha Symphony Orchestra under Ming Xiao etc.

Haiou Zhang performed in finest concerts hall and festivals: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Beijing Concert Hall, Sala São Paulo, CBC Glenn Could Studio Toronto and Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Gasteig Munich, Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Beethovenhaus Bonn, Regentenbau in Bad Kissingen and Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Kissinger Sommer, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Würzburg Bach Festival, Augsburg Mozart Festival, Weilburger Schlosskonzerte, Hohenloher Kultursommer, Festival International de Musique de Besançon in France, Festival de Música de Sant Pere de Rodes in Spain, International Music Festival Trecastagni in Italy, Pažaislis Music Festival in Lithunia, International Music Festival Kurressare in Estonia and Tbilisi Autumn International Music Festival in Georgia.

His chamber music collaborators are the vision string quartet, Quatuor Hermès, Hába Quartet, WDR Symphony Chamber Players, Meccore String Quartet, Faust Quartet, Eldbjørg Hemsing, Feng Ning, Sarah Christian, Friederike Starkloff, Solenne Paidassi and Leonid Gorokhov.

Haiou Zhang is heard regularly in concerts and interviews for various radio stations and television, such as CCTV China, SF1 Switzerland, NPR, BBC3, CBC, Classical FM96.3, Ontario TV Canada, Radio 4 Netherland, ORF 1 Austria, Radio New Zealand, France télévision 3 and has strong presence at German classical radio landscape at BR-Klassik, NDR Kultur, WDR3, SWR2, Deutschlandradio Kultur and the Deutsche Welle TV.

Grand Prix at the fifth Vladimir Horowitz International piano competition and first Piano Duo competition in Shenzhen, China. Haiou Zhang was awarded the audience prize at the Piano Olympics at Bad Kissingen Summer Festival, Gundlach Music Award and Dr. Maria Zbick Artist Award.

Beside his concert career, he is also the Music Director and Founder of International Music Festival Buxtehude / Altes Land / Harburg in Northern Germany. The festival has enormously established as one of he most successful classical music institution in the Hamburg metropolitan area. From January 2020 Haiou Zhang is appointed as the new Music Director of Öschberghof Klassik in Donaueschingen.

Haiou Zhang received his very first piano lesson at the age of almost nine years old. Two years later he stands out as the one of the only 4 (150 in total) candidates get accepted into the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and graduated in 2002 with special honors. 2011, he graduated with the best note in the soloist-class at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover with Prof. Bernd Goetzke, the last pupil of the legendary pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. Haiou Zhang gives masterclasses in Canada, USA, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and diverse universities in China.

年少时钢琴家张海鸥便受到欧洲、北美、南美和远东的评论家和观众的广泛认可。他的专辑被贴上“hänssler CLASSIC”的尊贵标签被销世界各地。继世界著名的汉莎航空2017年将《指纹》选入全球空中古典视听节目中在所有的洲际航线播放后,2019年6月《张海鸥指下的莫扎特》第二部再次入选。与此同时,奥地利国际航空也将这张新专辑选入全部洲际航线节目中。张海鸥与NDR爱乐弦乐演奏者合作的《莫扎特钢琴协奏曲》被德国“克拉西克”音乐奖提名为“年度乐器演奏家”和“年度协奏曲唱片”。在过去的三个乐季里,张海鸥在他的祖国中国的重要音乐厅里为40000多名古典音乐爱好者演奏了30多场独奏。在以色列指挥家耶鲁厄姆·夏洛夫斯基的带领下,马其顿爱乐乐团于2019年再次巡回演出,他对《柴可夫斯基钢琴协奏曲》的独特诠释受到了热烈的赞扬。 张海鸥受邀于俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚、亚美尼亚、马其顿、格鲁尼亚、立陶宛及德国汉堡等国家和城市举办音乐会,通过交流展示今日中国形象,让浏阳河等中国传统音乐的旋律响彻在“一带一路”上。





鉴于张海鸥的出色才能和社会影响,2010年8月德国下萨克森州布克斯特胡德市文化协会选定他,创立以他名字命名的“Haiou Zhang国际音乐节”。德国的音乐节通常以德国著名音乐家而命名,如贝多芬音乐节、门德尔松音乐节、舒曼音乐节等,而Haiou Zhang国际音乐节是第一个以华人音乐家而命名的音乐节。除此,张海鸥被邀请担任德国欧伯豪森钢琴节以及布伦瑞克音乐节的艺术顾问。德国北莱茵州-威斯特法伦奥伯豪森市艾伯特音乐厅隆重举办了德国首届“Dr.Eva Maria Zbick艺术家成就奖”授奖仪式暨获奖音乐会。奥伯豪森市市长克劳斯﹒威灵先生亲自祝获奖辞并将本届这唯一奖项颁发给具有世界声誉的青年钢琴家张海鸥。

Haiou Zhang

Teaching Session

Jul. 28 ~ Aug. 06


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